I own a construction company and we use a lot of different supplies in the job.
All of the supplies have to be kept somewhere.
I always have supplies on hand just in case we pick up a small job from time to time. These supplies include different sizes of rebar, rebar tie wire coils, and loop ties. loop ties, tie wire, and rebar are all you need to erect a structure that is sturdy, strong, and will stand the test of time. Add some concrete to the rebar structures and you have buildings that will last hundreds and hundreds of years. I keep all of my rebar and rebar tie wire supplies in a storage unit in the country. The storage unit is about 5 miles away from my home. I can’t access the storage area very easily and so can all of my employees. I have a key to the storage unit and my assistant job foreman has a key as well. The assistant foreman went to the storage unit on Monday to pick up some supplies. He noticed a letter on the door. He brought the letter back to the office. Apparently the storage unit rent is going to go up in 2 months. I’m going to have to spend an extra $200 every month if I want to continue keeping all of my rebar and rebar tie wire supplies in the building. I think I can find storage cheaper in other areas, but then I have to actually move everything and tell all of the guys about the new place. It doesn’t seem worth it to me to change everything so I am not going to complain about the fees.