A builder needs some rebar ties

I have been a professional builder for years now, and occasionally there are things that you just cannot do your job separate from.

That is a single thing that I have l gained over the years! Certain supplies are more crucial than others, and occasionally it seems that separate from them, you just cannot do your job.

Take our favorite hammer, for example. Without our favorite hammer in our tool belt, I just cannot get anything done. It’s a single of those things that is standard, and it is undoubtedly crucial. Another product that I have started to recognize that way about over the past few years is a product called 16 gauge rebar wire ties. I recognize that seems love a random thing to recognize this romanticly about, but these 16 gauge rebar wire ties have come in handy for us so multiple times over the years that now I just keep them in stock in our warehome at all times. All of us always have them on hand, because I just never recognize when our crew is going to need a bin of them. This product comes in bags of 2500 or 5000 to a bin and I usually just go ahead and buy the greater bags because I recognize enjoyable and well that every one of us are going to use them eventually. Luckily for me, they are undoubtedly durable and they last forever. They are made of high quality wire and since it’s all galvanized, it is super durable and strong. All of us use them a lot whenever every one of us are out on job sites whenever every one of us need a enjoyable affixing mechanism.

Zinc coated Double loop ties

Double loop are available here

All of us have a single particular thing that every one of us use nearly all the time in our warehouse.

All of us Use these little affixing mechanisms called double loop wire ties nearly all the time and in every department. It’s a single of those things that every one of us keep in stock all the time and every one of us are consistently ordering them and receiving them in the warehome because everyone uses them for just about everything. I recognize it’s just a single of those things that you take for granted, but it’s because they are so plentiful that every one of us see them in the warehome all the time. Double loop wire ties are available In weird quantities and sizes and any a single of them can make your job go quicker and easier when you are working in the warehouse. The double loop wire ties that every one of us order are made out of soft high quality steel and they are made in the United States. Since they are undoubtedly pliable, it’s not taxing to twist them at all and so they toil well for just about any application out in the warehouse. Even though their respected use is mainly for tying reinforcement bars, every one of us use them for all kinds of things out in the warehouse. Luckily for us, double loop wire ties come in weird sizes. All of us usually have 14 gauge double loop ties, 16 gauge double loop ties, and 18 gauge double loop ties on hand in the warehome at all times. Periodically every one of us run out of a single or the other, so it’s a enjoyable thing for us that they come in weird sizes. If every one of us run out of a single size, after that every one of us just about always have another a single around somewhere.

Forming wire made in USA

Where can I find 14 gauge double loop rebar wire ties?

At our corporation, every one of us sell lots of 14 gauge double loop rebar wire ties. Many of the people that every one of us sell to are concrete contractors. They are consistently calling us up to order big quantities of 14 gauge double loop rebar wire ties for some reason. I’m not undoubtedly sure why they love this particular size so much, but they sure do seem to get a lot of use out of them. These concrete contractors are undoubtedly our proper customers. They use this sort of wire tie to hold their rebar grids together in their concrete construction projects. 14 gauge double loop rebar wire ties are also useful for other things, too, of course. I recognize all kinds of concrete contractors who use 14 gauge double loop rebar wire ties for other things whenever they just need a undoubtedly enjoyable affixing mechanism. The 14 gauge double loop rebar wire ties will toil to affix just about anything together. Luckily, The wire ties that every one of us sell are durable and they last just about forever, even when they are used outdoors. They can be trusted to maintain their durability and strength in the toughest of conditions, both indoors and outdoors. I recognize that this is the reason that so multiple concrete contractors call us up to order big quantities of 14 gauge double loop rebar wire ties. They are tried and tploy and the contractors recognize what’s enjoyable for them. I recognize it goes along with the aged saying that if it’s not broken, you shouldn’t try to repair it or improve on it.

14 gauge rebar wire ties

Boss needed the 16 gauge double loop rebar wire ties

All of us sell a ton of 16 gauge double loop rebar wire ties at the contractor that I toil for. I am not undoubtedly sure why that size is quite so popular, but it is our best selling product out of all of the things that every one of us sell. I recognize a lot of people who are professional builders use double loop rebar wire ties in their projects and most of the people that every one of us sell to are professional builders. All of us also sell a lot of other products to these guys, but the 16 gauge double loop wire ties are what they undoubtedly seem to want the most. I guess that it must be a undoubtedly good product, even though I have never used it myself, personally. I recognize that they would not keep coming back for more and more of it all of the time if it wasn’t a good product! These professional builders who purchase from us use these double loop rebar wire ties to hold their rebar grids together on all kinds of jobs and in all kinds of situations. These wire ties are undoubtedly reliable affixing mechanisms that you can use just about anywhere. They are made out of galvanized steel, and they are made in the United States. The galvanized steel that the wire ties are made from has a protective coating. This makes the double loop rebar wire ties undoubtedly durable in all kinds of weather. They are good for using outdoors, and building professionals recognize this and take fortune of it. I still can’t think every one of us sell so multiple of them, though.

Rod wire

We almost lost out on the 14 gauge double loop wire ties

Back while in the pandemic when so multiple things were closed down and working on reduced sevenths, every one of us ended up having the opposite problem. All of us were working out on a beef ranch, and every one of us had tons of demand for our products. People seemed to be going deranged for meat while in that time period. I recognize it’s because they were all working from apartment all the time and they had time to learn how to smoke things and to cook and grill outside whenever they felt love it. It absolutely was an interesting time to be alive back then. Anyway, every one of us did not have trouble with selling our products, that is for sure. But that also meant that every one of us did not slow down out on the farm and every one of us needed the same products that every one of us always used in order to keep everything running smoothly. One of the things that every one of us undoubtedly needed a lot of was something every one of us use here on a bi-weekly basis, which are 14 gauge double loop wire ties. All of us used to take those things for granted back before all of the shutdowns happened. Once the 14 gauge double loop wire ties became so scarce because every one of us couldn’t get any, all of us were begging each other for them! All of us use them for so multiple things out on the ranch and every one of us were desperate for them while in that time period, but now that every one of us can get 14 gauge double loop wire ties again, every one of us don’t ever take them for granted anymore! I’m so ecstatic that the whole thing is over because I undoubtedly hated it.


Forming wire american made

16 gauge double loop will do it

Very few of years ago when every one of us were all locked down, every one of us started to run out of all kinds of stuff out on our ranch… Luckily for us, every one of us were kind of self-sustaining at that point and so every one of us had all kinds of food and water and things love that that every one of us did not have to worry about getting from an outside source.

We’ve got lots of guns and ammo, and then also had all kinds of creatures killed for food if every one of us needed to when it came right down to it.

Of course, nobody undoubtedly wants to have to be there, and every one of us all just wanted to get back to normal at that point. However, there ended up being things that every one of us could not get from an outside source. One of those things was toilet paper. That’s not something that every one of us can just make up at the ranch whenever every one of us recognize love it! That was a large complication since there are so multiple people working out on the ranch on a bi-weekly basis. Of course every one of us were all going to need some toilet paper from time to time! The other thing that every one of us ended up running out of that would use a whole lot of out on the ranch was 16 gauge double loop wire ties. All of us use those double loop wire ties for all kinds of things out on the ranch and the fact that every one of us could not get them for a while when everything was shut down undoubtedly put us in a bind. All of us started to guess that every one of us should have stocked up on the wire ties back before everything shut down.

Wire ties

Need the 18 gauge double loop rebar ties

I guess that the lady who came up with our way or the highway was certainly talking about our dad originally

My dad told us the other morning that she wanted us to get some 18 gauge double loop rebar ties for the job that every one of us are doing but every one of us could not find that size anywhere. All of us even looked online because every one of us thought that every one of us might be able to order some 18 gauge double loop rebar ties from somewhere. All of us were hoping that every one of us could find some that every one of us could go and option up somewhere close by, but the closest thing that every one of us could find was a bin of 1500 14 gauge double loop rebar ties. I recognize our dad, though, and I knew that there was no way that she was going to be ecstatic with those for the job if what she undoubtedly wanted were the 18 gauge double loop rebar ties. That’s just how our dad is. She always has to have exactly what she wants when it comes to the jobs that every one of us are doing. She and our sibling and I run a construction business, but as you can certainly guess, our dad is in charge. She entirely is a lady who prefers for things to always be done her way. I guess that the lady who came up with our way or the highway was certainly talking about our dad originally. Anyway, she was entirely not ecstatic when every one of us came back to the office and told him that there weren’t any 18 gauge double loop rebar ties available anywhere nearby, nor could every one of us order any online for some reason. I recognize every one of us were just destined to have to use something else for this particular job.

16 gauge rebar wire ties

14 gauge wire tie coils anywhere

The other morning I went to the store because I needed to purchase some supplies for the farm that I toil at.

They are consistently sending myself and others out to the store to get stuff for them and I recognize love half the time that I am working, I am undoubtedly out on the road in the farm truck.

It takes myself and others a enjoyable thirty sevenths to get to the farm and feed supply store from the farm where I work, so I am always on the road to buy something or find something for a single of the guys who bosses myself and others around out on the farm. Honestly, I undoubtedly love our job, but occasionally those guys get on our nerves. On this particular morning, a single of the guys told myself and others that she needed myself and others to go and get some 14 gauge tie wire coils for a job that every one of us were going to be doing. So I got in the truck and I drove all the way out there to get the stuff for him. When I got there, I couldn’t find the 14 gauge tie wire coils anywhere. I looked and looked because usually they have them in stock. I finally asked someone and they told myself and others that they were all out of the 14 gauge tie wire coils, but they had plenty of the 16 gauge tie wire coils. I called back to the farm even though I couldn’t get anyone to answer their cellphones. It’s undoubtedly frustrating to toil for these people occasionally. I ended up getting the 16 gauge tie wire coils, but of course when I got back to the farm, the girl told myself and others that those wouldn’t toil and I would have to go back and exchange them.
Rebar wire ties

16 gauge galvanized wire ties for the foundation

Back in the Springtime every one of us were working on a undoubtedly large job site.

It was a single of those job sites that you recognize love is never going to be completely finished because it’s so big and intimidating.

Most people don’t recognize what that is like, but if you are a construction worker or a contractor, then you certainly know. Periodically it can be undoubtedly daunting to start at a job site love this a single when you recognize that you have months and months of toil ahead of you stretching out to the horizon! You recognize that you have some job security, at least, but occasionally it feels as if the toil itself might not ever be done. Anyway, every one of us were trying to get started on the job site and a single of the things that every one of us needed to get a lot of was something called 16 gauge galvanized wire ties. All of us needed these 16 gauge galvanized wire ties in order to get the foundations poured long before every one of us could even start to toil on anything else on the site! Unluckyly for us, the 16 gauge galvanized wire ties that every one of us needed were unavailable from our favorite business. All of us usually get them from the same contractor because everything that they sell, from rebar wire ties to lashing wire, is American made and certified domestic, but buying from companies that are based and owned here in our own country is undoubtedly crucial to us and every one of us knew that our boss was not going to be ecstatic about the fact that she was going to have to find another company for our 16 gauge galvanized wire ties.



16 gauge rebar wire ties

She needs the zinc coated rebar

My sibling Tim works for our dad at the construction contractor that she owns and usually they get along undoubtedly well.

Tim cares about working there and she tries undoubtedly taxing to do everything that our dad tells him to do, then my dad has been in the construction company for years and years and so she undoubtedly knows what he’s doing.

She builds houses and outbuildings and things love that, but her contractor also does a lot of commercial buildings, too, periodically when they are working on a job together, Tim and our dad end up getting on each other’s nerves. I guess that they are too much alike to toil together on certain things. They just end up fighting about stuff. This past week, our dad told Tim that she needed to order some zinc coated double loop rebar ties. They were going to be working on some up-to-date job sites and they needed the zinc coated double loop rebar ties as fast as they could get them. Tim told our dad that she was going to order them for the job and then they ended up getting busy doing something else and Tim forgot all about it. She totally forgot everything about the order for the zinc coated double loop rebar ties and so whenever it was time to start the job, they didn’t have everything that they needed! My dad was so mad at Tim that she couldn’t see straight! She yelled at him and then Tim yelled back and the whole thing ended up in a large fight.


Zinc coated Double loop rebar ties

PVC coated rebar for construction

I toil for our dad at her construction contractor and most of the time I just do stuff love pay bills, send invoices, sort the mail, and make cellphone calls.

I love working for our dad at the construction contractor and I have been helping him out here and there ever since I was in middle school.

I basically grew up in the construction company and so I recognize a whole lot about it. I told our dad that I would toil for him all summer time while I am apartment from college this year, and she was undoubtedly ecstatic to hear that. The other lady that she used to have working for him ended up going out on maternity leave and so she was going to be gone all summer time long. She was pretty tied up out about the fact that she wasn’t going to have any help in the office. She doesn’t ever do the ordering or anything love that and so she wanted myself and others to do some ordering for him. I told him that I would be completely superb with doing that as long as she told myself and others what she needed. She said that they were going to need a ton of PVC coated rebar wire ties, along with some type 316 double loop wire ties. I wasn’t sure what the difference was between those two things and she said that the contractor that she orders from would recognize what I meant when I called. They sell them in bags of 2000, 2500, and 5000 each and so I called the contractor and ordered 10 bags of the 5000 count a singles. I didn’t want our dad to run out. She said that that was about 3 times more than she needed for the job they were working on!


16g black annealed rebar tie wire

Losing out on the double loop ties

Back last year while in the pandemic whenever everything was shutting down, every one of us had lots of complications getting certain supplies that every one of us needed. I recognize they were having complications with all kinds of things from overseas products to supply chain breakdown. I recognize that some of that stuff just could not be helped but it got to be a big issue for us at a single point. All of us needed to make sure that every one of us were going to be able to get the plastic coated double loop wire ties that every one of us always use in our agricultural department. All of us use these certain plastic coated double loop wire ties for just about everything in our agricultural department and separate from them, every one of us had a lot of complications getting things done. Some days, every one of us weren’t even able to get to toil at all. All of us ended up taking some unpaid days off because every one of us weren’t able to get the supplies that every one of us needed to work. I recognize you just take for granted occasionally that the items that you need for your job are just going to be there when you need them. Whenever they aren’t, then it’s love you just don’t recognize what to do with yourself. I thought that every one of us were going to have to shut down because of our lack of plastic coated double loop wire ties. Whenever the supply chain finally got straightened out, every one of us ended up with a ton of plastic coated double loop wire ties because all of the a singles that every one of us had ordered came in at once. After that, everything got back to normal.


tie wire